We are trying to achieve the Active School Flag in St. Nicholas Primary School this year. In order to achieve the flag, we must: - Adhere to DES Guidelines regarding PE timetable provision for all students. - Teach a broad and balanced PE curriculum. - Inform and invite the whole school community to participate in the ASF process. - Self-evaluate current provision in terms of P.E, Physical Activity and Community Links. -Plan and Implement improvements for each of the aforementioned areas. - Organise an ‘Active School Week’ as part of the annual school calendar. See http://www.activeschoolflag.ie for more information regarding the Active School Flag process.
Resources for Parents
Here are some ‘Active Ideas’ for home: Go for pre- or post-dinner walks - Turn up the music and boogie down! Make a game out of household chores. Sneak workouts into other activities i.e. taking the stairs instead of the escalator. Turn TV ad breaks into fitness breaks. Have a weekly sports night, where everyone in the family gets involved. Let the kids help with work in the yard and with gardening – catch leaves, raking, sorting, digging, planting, etc. Walk the dog. Super troopers activity booklets. Here are some fantastic resources for parents to encourage even more physical activity at home: (Copy and paste into browser) http://www.getirelandactive.ie/ http://parentsforhealth.org/ https://www.pta.org/programs/content.cfm?ItemNumber=3397 http://kidshealth.org/parent/nutrition_center/staying_fit/exercise.html