School Information
General Information
School Address: Longwood, Enfield, Co. Meath.
Telephone number: 046-9555384
E-mail: [email protected]
Chairperson: Fr. Tom Gilroy
Principal: Ms. Siobhán Henry.
Deputy Principal: Ms. Laura Barnewall
School Secretary: Mrs. Madeline Smyth
Telephone number: 046-9555384
E-mail: [email protected]
Chairperson: Fr. Tom Gilroy
Principal: Ms. Siobhán Henry.
Deputy Principal: Ms. Laura Barnewall
School Secretary: Mrs. Madeline Smyth
Our Core Values
The core values we cherish at our school are:
Our School
St. Nicholas’ Primary School, Longwood, Co. Meath is a Roman Catholic School, which operates under the patronage of the Bishop of Meath.
We are a developing 24 teacher school consisting of a Principal, 16 mainstream class teachers, a team of 7 Special Educational Needs Teachers and 7 SNAs.
We display the symbols of our rich Catholic faith tradition throughout the school and spend time as a school community in reflection, prayer, ritual, celebrating the Eucharist and other sacraments to develop the spiritual life of each person in the school community.
While St. Nicholas Primary School is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also gives due recognition to children of all other religious beliefs and none.
We are a developing 24 teacher school consisting of a Principal, 16 mainstream class teachers, a team of 7 Special Educational Needs Teachers and 7 SNAs.
We display the symbols of our rich Catholic faith tradition throughout the school and spend time as a school community in reflection, prayer, ritual, celebrating the Eucharist and other sacraments to develop the spiritual life of each person in the school community.
While St. Nicholas Primary School is a school with a Catholic ethos, it also gives due recognition to children of all other religious beliefs and none.
The Board of Management recognises that child protection and welfare considerations permeate all aspects of school life and must be reflected in all of the school’s policies, practices and activities. Accordingly, in accordance with the requirements of the Department of Education and Skills, Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools, the Board of Management of St. Nicholas’ Primary School, Longwood, has agreed the following child protection policy:
The Board of Management has adopted and will implement fully and without modification the Department’s Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools as part of this overall child protection policy.
The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is Siobhán Henry.
The Deputy Designated Liaison Person (Deputy DLP) is Laura Barnewall.
The Designated Liaison Person is responsible for ensuring that the standard reporting procedure is followed, so that concerns or suspicions of child neglect, emotional deprivation, physical abuse or sexual abuse, are referred promptly to the Child and Family Agency Duty Social Worker. In the event of an emergency where it is thought that a child is in immediate danger and the Children and Family Agency Duty Social Worker cannot be contacted, An Garda Síochána will be contacted.
Our school’s ‘Child Protection Policy’ can be viewed in full on and a copy of the policy is also on display in the main reception area of our school.
The Board of Management has adopted and will implement fully and without modification the Department’s Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post Primary Schools as part of this overall child protection policy.
The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) is Siobhán Henry.
The Deputy Designated Liaison Person (Deputy DLP) is Laura Barnewall.
The Designated Liaison Person is responsible for ensuring that the standard reporting procedure is followed, so that concerns or suspicions of child neglect, emotional deprivation, physical abuse or sexual abuse, are referred promptly to the Child and Family Agency Duty Social Worker. In the event of an emergency where it is thought that a child is in immediate danger and the Children and Family Agency Duty Social Worker cannot be contacted, An Garda Síochána will be contacted.
Our school’s ‘Child Protection Policy’ can be viewed in full on and a copy of the policy is also on display in the main reception area of our school.
Home School Links
There are many examples in practice, of effective communication existing between the teachers and parents of our school. This co-operation and support is an essential ingredient in your child’s education.
a) Updated information, including newsletters from the Principal, are available on our school website.
b) A note in the child’s homework journal.
c) A letter to the parent or teacher.
d) Parent/Teacher Meetings: Parent/Teacher meetings are held every year in November.
e) Aladdin
f) If a child is experiencing a particular problem it is essential that parents communicate this to the teacher. Letting the teachers know will allow them to help the child to cope. Parents are asked to make an appointment with the teacher.
a) Updated information, including newsletters from the Principal, are available on our school website.
b) A note in the child’s homework journal.
c) A letter to the parent or teacher.
d) Parent/Teacher Meetings: Parent/Teacher meetings are held every year in November.
e) Aladdin
f) If a child is experiencing a particular problem it is essential that parents communicate this to the teacher. Letting the teachers know will allow them to help the child to cope. Parents are asked to make an appointment with the teacher.
School Day
School Opens - 8:50
Morning Break – 10.45 - 10.55
Lunch Break - 12.30 - 1.00
Infants Finish – 1.30
School Closes – 2.30
Morning Break – 10.45 - 10.55
Lunch Break - 12.30 - 1.00
Infants Finish – 1.30
School Closes – 2.30
Pupils are required to be regular and punctual in their attendance at school. School commences at 9.00 a.m. Parents are asked to ensure that children are on time. A requirement exists under the Education Welfare Act that schools are obliged on four occasions throughout the school year, to report absences in excess of 20 days to the National Education Welfare Board. The Board of Management realises that there are many genuine reasons for children’s absence from school. Nonetheless, once your child has absences in excess of 20 days, you will receive notification from the school that the absence had been forwarded to the National Education Welfare Board (NEWB).
Please see for further information.
Please see for further information.
All school absences must be accounted for. Parents are asked to submit a written explanation for all absences. If a pupil wishes to leave school early, the school should be notified at the earliest convenience. A ‘sign in/sign out’ booklet must be signed by the adult who is collecting the child.
Home Time Collection Procedure for Jun./Sen. Infants 1.30pm
In order to ensure that your child is collected safely at the end of the school day, as the children emerge from the school building, the class teacher will arrange for all the children in the class to stand at the external wall of the school building. Parents are requested to stand well back while this routine is taking place. On the teacher’s signal, parents may then go to their child and take him/her by the hand. The children are reminded at this time, not to run towards the person collecting, but to wait until they are taken by the hand.
While this collection is taking place, the class teacher is observing in close proximity and can easily identify those children who are left standing at the wall and have not been collected. Those children are then supervised by the teacher until such time as the adult who is responsible for collection arrives. Your co-operation with this end of school collection routine is greatly appreciated and gives reassurance to any parent who may be delayed.
While this collection is taking place, the class teacher is observing in close proximity and can easily identify those children who are left standing at the wall and have not been collected. Those children are then supervised by the teacher until such time as the adult who is responsible for collection arrives. Your co-operation with this end of school collection routine is greatly appreciated and gives reassurance to any parent who may be delayed.
Birthday Invitations/ Cakes
It is our school’s policy that birthday invitations are not given out by the children while in school. In the past it was noted by teachers that some children were disappointed at not being included in the invitation list and were preoccupied, to the point that concentration and learning were being affected.
Parents are also requested not to send in a birthday cake for sharing among all the pupils in the class. I hope that you appreciate that the sharing of cakes is time consuming, and results in time having to be spent cleaning up afterwards. The above request also ensures that children are not placing expectations on their parents to send in a cake on the occasion of their own birthday.
It would, however, be expected that the child would include some of the birthday cake from home, the following day in his/her lunchbox.
Parents are also requested not to send in a birthday cake for sharing among all the pupils in the class. I hope that you appreciate that the sharing of cakes is time consuming, and results in time having to be spent cleaning up afterwards. The above request also ensures that children are not placing expectations on their parents to send in a cake on the occasion of their own birthday.
It would, however, be expected that the child would include some of the birthday cake from home, the following day in his/her lunchbox.
Administration of Medicines
The Board of Management requests parents to ensure that teachers be made aware in writing of any medical condition that a child may have (See Enrolment Form). Some children may need to have medication administered for an on-going medical condition e.g. asthma, diabetes. In all such cases, the parents/guardians of the child should contact the School Principal/Board of Management to see if suitable agreed arrangements can be put in place to facilitate the administration of such medication. No teacher may administer medicines to any pupil except on the instructions of the Board of Management. Parents/Guardians must sign a consent form for the child to administer the medication independently of adult involvement.
Teachers supervise in the playground during break-time. Following a fall or a collision, minor cuts and grazes are treated in the school. The cut is cleaned with tissue and water, and a plaster/band aid may be applied. When children are enrolled in the school, parents sign a form giving permission to the school to administer the above care. In the event of a teacher being aware of a head injury or possible internal injury, parents will be contacted.
Should a medical emergency arise, and the school cannot make contact with the parents, a consent form granting permission to the school to bring the child to a doctor or A&E, and signed by parents at time of enrolment, is retained in the school.
Should a medical emergency arise, and the school cannot make contact with the parents, a consent form granting permission to the school to bring the child to a doctor or A&E, and signed by parents at time of enrolment, is retained in the school.
Head Lice
If at any stage of the school year, your child requires treatment for head lice, please inform the school as soon as possible.
All parents of the pupils in the class will then be notified and advised re. detection and treatment options.
All reports of head lice made to the school will be treated confidentially.
All parents of the pupils in the class will then be notified and advised re. detection and treatment options.
All reports of head lice made to the school will be treated confidentially.
Information/Communication, Money etc.
All information/communication or anything of a sensitive or confidential nature between school and home should be sent in a sealed envelope showing pupil’s name, teacher’s name and a brief reference to the enclosed material. Where advised payments can be submitted through Aladdin Connect.
Code of Behaviour
A copy of the school Code of Behaviour/School Rules is given to all parents/guardians of new pupils. It can also be viewed on the school website during the month of September. A hard copy is also available from the school, on request. A consent form acknowledging your acceptance and co-operation with the Code of Behaviour, is retained in the school.
Health and Safety
Please note that the following are not permitted within the grounds of the school.
· Cycling
· Smoking
· Dogs
· Cycling
· Smoking
· Dogs
Your child’s welfare and education are our primary concerns. If there is anything we should know about your child, of which we may be unaware, please come and talk to us.
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
(W.B. Yeats)
Siobhán Henry.
Your child’s welfare and education are our primary concerns. If there is anything we should know about your child, of which we may be unaware, please come and talk to us.
“Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”
(W.B. Yeats)
Siobhán Henry.

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